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Free Website Accessibility Audit

Enter your website URL and get a free website Accessibility analysis, including the issues you need to address.

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Ensure Your Website Is Accessible
for Everyone

With our Accessibility Audit Tool

Slaterock Website Audit Issue List.png

Ensuring accessibility in website design and development is crucial for preparing for the future of the internet.

Prepare for the future of the internet, today

Avoid the lawsuits, and ensure your website is accessible to everyone. 

Avoid, fee's and lawsuits

Get Your Accessibility Rating

This is your gateway to staying compliant and complaint-free on the web, protecting you from ambulance chasers.

Free website audit health score.png
Page level issues seen on our free website audit by slaterock automation.png

See Page Level Accessibility Issues

Determine your page structure, including your H-tag format to ensure all tags are properly labeled and using your keywords while still being compliant with today's accessibility standards.

Why Use A Website Accessibility Audit Tool?

planning a website re-design budget

A website accessibility audit tool can help ensure that your website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. By any accessibility issues, you can make necessary changes to improve the user experience for everyone. Additionally, having an accessible website can also help you comply with legal requirements and avoid potential lawsuits.

How Does The Accessibility Audit Work?

Input your information for the free page audit tool

Input Your Info

First, you have to input your information so we know what to run an audit on, and where to send the audit once it's generated for you!

receive the email from our page audit tool and check for errors

Get the Email

Once your audit is complete, you will receive the report via your email that was submitted in the form. This email is only used to contact to you about your audit.

fix the onpage errors to rank better higher and more often in search results using our audit tool

Fix the Errors

After reviewing the errors on your site, the next step to take is to optimize your page as soon as possible. The longer your wait, the less search engines will index your pages (even new ones)

Check your site structure

See what might be causing issues

Sitemap Structure and indexation chart.png

Ensure your pages are being indexed properly. If pages arent being indexed, they won't be found in search results.

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Website SEO Audit Example 2
Website Audit Example

Get your free audit now

and see where some users might be getting lost

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