Fraud Blocker Slaterock's Pricing Plans | SEM & Digital Marketing Automation
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Slaterock Automation
Pricing Plans & Packages

See why Slaterock Automation's pricing plans are a great fit for your business.

✔️ Value Focused

✔️ Results Driven

✔️ No Longterm Commitments

SEO dashboard.png

Retention Rate

amoung management clients


Of Satified customers
Throughout the U.S. and Canada



Partnership Certifications
Google  + Semrush and Wix

Custom Technology  |  Proven Track Record  |  Hundreds of Reviews 

Campaigns powered by
Date and AI

Experience the power of data and AI with our innovative digital marketing campaigns. At our agency, we leverage the latest technology to drive better results for your business. Our AI-powered solutions allow us to work more efficiently and effectively, saving you time and money while maximizing your ROI.


Increase in traffic


Setup by Slaterock

3k +

In monthly tools built in

Website Audit Example

Advanced Analytics

Track the impact of all content related to your core business objectives.

  • See the past present, and future growth opportunities

  • Find out what content is performing the best for your business

  • Leverage performance data to make informed decisions

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Proven Framework

Each successful marketing campaign is engineered from a framework of workflows that we developed over the last four years. 

Missions Success may look different to different people, but a few things remain consistent when driving online growth.

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Measured Results

Monitoring campaigns can often be a challenge especially when trying to understand what is working and what isn't. 

Our custom dashboards are tailored to your needs and concerns when it comes to online marketing.

Why Slaterock Automation?

Go Cap Advance

Increased Traffic by over 300% in the first 6 months. Our work stated with a website re-design and quickly moved into a full marketing automation buildout inside their CRM system.

Go Cap.png

Automation Ready Panels

Automation Ready Panels has doubled its website traffic each month since beginning working with us. 

Month to month, we create and describe over 6 pieces of content to hundreds of thousands of subscribers. 

Automation Ready Panels 4k.png
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Le Village

As a start up, Le Village Co Work came to us with the need to set up a website technically sound to rank in search results. 

Le Village faced an issue we often see when working with designers. 

Our Clients Are Winning

Each month, our clients are getting millions of views on the organic content created by us!

Many of our small and medium-sized businesses have seen traffic increase of over 3000% after the first six months.

Our team, workflows, and frameworks are what drive this kind of growth across multiple platforms, in all different industries each and every day. 


Pricing Plans

Our team has curated a process that can be applied to any website to help increase its ranking in search results. Although search engines are constantly changing, there are a few core components that determine if your site ranks or not. We focus on those core website components to ensure your website has the potential to rank for the keywords that will drive you more business.

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Google PPC Ads are available on all packages



Starting at

Start optimizing your website and aquiring keywords to generate traffic.

✔️ 5 targeted keyword clusters

✔️ month to month content map

✔️ 2 SEO-optimized blog posts

✔️ 1 new page optimization

✔️ backlink outreach

✔️ Custom reports

✔️ 2 email campaigns

✔️ email support

✔️review mgmt. - lifetime 

➡️ PPC Ad Management 12%



Starting at

Scale up your SEO and begin ranking for medium competition keywords.

✔️ 10 targeted keyword clusters

✔️ 6-month content map

✔️ 4 SEO-optimized blog posts

✔️ 5 new page optimizations

✔️ backlinks - 1 guaranteed

✔️ Custom reports + Dashboard

✔️ 4 email campaigns

✔️ 4 Google Business posts

✔️ 4 social media posts

✔️ email & call support

✔️review mgmt. - lifetime 

➡️ PPC Ad Management 10%



Starting at

Designed to outrank competition in competitive markets and industries.

✔️ 15 targeted keyword clusters

✔️ 12-month content map

✔️ 8 SEO-optimized blog posts

✔️ 10 new page optimizations

✔️ backlinks - 2+ guaranteed

✔️ Custom reports + Dashboard

✔️ 8 email campaigns

✔️ 8 Google Business posts

✔️ 8 social media posts

✔️ Custom CRM setup

✔️ dedicated account manager

✔️review mgmt. - lifetime 

➡️ PPC Ad Management 8%

Done For You Marketing Team

Our Done For You Marketing package can provide you with a comprehensive marketing solution, encompassing all the necessary skills and services typically performed by an entire marketing team.

Everything in Enterprise Plus

✔ Ad management (minimum +1k in ads)

✔ 1 Social Media Brand Ambassador

✔ Prospect Lists

✔ Remote Social Media Management

✔ Custom SEO Silos

✔ Premium Backlink Placement

✔ Custom Infographics

✔ Blog to Video Creation

✔ Industry Expert Guest Posts

✔ Advanced Ai Keyword & Rank Tracking

✔ Monthly Video Calls

✔ Business Development Specialist

Starting at



Enterprise Pricing

Website Design, Development & Management

Creating an engaging, user-friendly website is more than just aesthetics; it's about connecting with your audience and driving results through functional website design. At Slaterock Automation, we specialize in website design and development that's not only visually stunning but also SEO-optimized to ensure your brand stands out in the digital space. Leveraging the latest technologies and best practices, our team crafts custom solutions tailored to your specific business needs, ensuring your site not only looks great but also ranks high in search results, driving more traffic and conversions. 

One-Time Website Build

Exclusive website design and development sprint ranging from 1-8 weeks

Slaterock's One-Time Build plan for website design and development gives businesses the option to have a website built custom to their needs and functionality without any long-term commitments. Our team will work with you to build a website that truly serves your business and your customers.

Starting at




✔ Fully SEO Optimized

✔ Conversion Rate Focused

✔ Built-in CRM

✔ Custom Development Options

✔ Certified Wix Partners

Website Build & Maintenance

From Creation to Continuation: A fully managed website solution

Our "Website Build & Maintenance" plan offers a dual approach to build and support your online success. We start by crafting a custom website that aligns with your brand, then shift to proactive maintenance and management, ensuring it remains updated, secure, and engaging. This plan provides an ideal blend of creation and care, with regular optimizations and monthly support, keeping your digital presence vibrant and effective. 


✔ Fully managed solution

✔ Monthly updates

✔ Cost effective

✔ Ongoing support

✔ Proactive SEO support

Starting at


150 Per month

Technical SEO Setup 

Technical SEO is the foundation of a successful search engine optimization strategy. It involves optimizing various elements of your website to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results. Some of the key elements of a technical SEO setup include optimizing page titles, meta descriptions, and header tags (H1, H2, etc.). By ensuring that these elements are properly structured and optimized, you can increase your website's visibility, improve its user experience, and ultimately drive more traffic and conversions.

Technical SEO Setup 

We'll build the foundation for your website to grow. Our technical SEO setup includes optimizing page titles, meta descriptions, h-tags, and your overall site structure for search engines to understand your business better. 

Starting at



for the first 5 core pages, then $35 for each additional page

Also Included​

✔ SEO-focused design changes

✔ Google Business Profile Optimization

✔ Schema Markup

✔ H-tag Keyword Optimization

✔ Location Based SEO

& More

Level up with backlinks

Increase the effectiveness of our technical setup. We'll get your business listed on premium business directories to improve your ranking.

Pricing Starting at $99

Ask about how we can get you even more traffic with more backlinks!

Pay Per Click Ads (PPC)

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a powerful tool for small businesses looking to generate leads and increase their online visibility. Slaterock Automation offers affordable PPC packages for small businesses that provide all the tools and resources you need to run effective PPC campaigns. By targeting specific keywords and demographics, you can reach your ideal audience and drive more traffic to your website.



Setup your add account and find the best keywords to target

✔️ Initial Account Setup

✔️ Campaign Strategy 

✔️ Keyword Research

✔️ Ad Creation & Optimization

✔️ Audience Building

✔️ Conversion Tracking & Report


Required for Level 1 & 2

Level 1


Advanced click fraud detection and negative keyword monitoring

✔️ Click Fraud Protection

✔️ Search term monitoring

✔️ Negative keyword filtering

✔️ Monthly Reports 


Level 2


Complete ad management, identifying new opportunities

✔️ Everything from Level 1

✔️ New Keyword Opportunities

✔️ Landing page creation

✔️ Inbound lead tracking

✔️ CRM Outreach Development

✔️ Custom reporting

✔️ Monthly Check-ins

Monthly ($2,000 Min.)

Live Chat and Answering System

At Slaterock Automation, we are proud to offer a cutting-edge live chat service as part of our comprehensive suite of automation solutions. This white-labeled service is designed to seamlessly integrate with your website and provides 24/7 real-time engagement with your website visitors.

Slaterock Live

Our professionally trained chat agents are adept at converting casual website visitors into potential leads through meaningful interactions. We ensure round-the-clock availability so that no opportunity to connect with your customers is missed, regardless of the time zone or hour.



per month

Also Included​

✔ Phone Calls

✔ Text Messages

✔ Live Website Visitors

✔ Social Media Messages​

& More

Other Pricing Plans

Our support and management services are designed to help keep your website healthy, secure, fast-performing, and profitable. Whether you're just getting started or have an established site, we can help you reach your goals.

  • SEO Coaching

    Every month
    Have our SEOs walk you through the process of ranking
    • 1 Hr Video Call
    • Updated Site Audit
    • Rank Tracking
    • Email Support
  • Brand Ambassador

    Every month
    Get your brand in-front of those most interested
    • 1 Social Media Account Brand Ambassador
    • Monthly Management & Optimizations
    • Geographic, Demographic and Psychographic targeting
  • Website Build and Management $150

    Every month
    Valid for 12 months

    Need more from Our Plans?

    Want to clarify exactly what we do and how it works for your business, let's hop on a call to discuss our pricing plans, exactly what they include and how they work!

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