Domain Analysis Tool
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Dynamic Traffic
New Keywords
Dynamic Keywords
Ad Keywords
Dynamic Ads

Estimated Website Traffic
Organic Keywords
Preview of the report "Keywords" in SEO research: keywords; positions in SERP; keyword search volume per month according to Google Ads; CPC in $. More information can be found in the detailed report. Also in this table: all keywords - the number of organic keywords that an analyzed domain is ranking for in Google’s top-100 results; new - phrases that have either recently been added, or that were not in the top before, but are now; lost - those for which the site used to be ranked in the top, but isn't now; improved - those, for which the site has risen in positions since the previous monitoring; declined - those that fell in positions since the last monitoring.
Organic Keywords
Keyword | Position | Volume | Cost Per Click |
Top Pages
Preview of the report "Keywords" in SEO research: keywords; positions in SERP; keyword search volume per month according to Google Ads; CPC in $. More information can be found in the detailed report. Also in this table: all keywords - the number of organic keywords that an analyzed domain is ranking for in Google’s top-100 results; new - phrases that have either recently been added, or that were not in the top before, but are now; lost - those for which the site used to be ranked in the top, but isn't now; improved - those, for which the site has risen in positions since the previous monitoring; declined - those that fell in positions since the last monitoring.
Top Pages
URL | Organic Keywords | Potential Traffic | Facebook Shares |
Top Domain URLs
Preview of the report "Keywords" in SEO research: keywords; positions in SERP; keyword search volume per month according to Google Ads; CPC in $. More information can be found in the detailed report. Also in this table: all keywords - the number of organic keywords that an analyzed domain is ranking for in Google’s top-100 results; new - phrases that have either recently been added, or that were not in the top before, but are now; lost - those for which the site used to be ranked in the top, but isn't now; improved - those, for which the site has risen in positions since the previous monitoring; declined - those that fell in positions since the last monitoring.
Top Domain Url's
URL | Keywords |
Unique Keywords
Preview of the report "Keywords" in SEO research: keywords; positions in SERP; keyword search volume per month according to Google Ads; CPC in $. More information can be found in the detailed report. Also in this table: all keywords - the number of organic keywords that an analyzed domain is ranking for in Google’s top-100 results; new - phrases that have either recently been added, or that were not in the top before, but are now; lost - those for which the site used to be ranked in the top, but isn't now; improved - those, for which the site has risen in positions since the previous monitoring; declined - those that fell in positions since the last monitoring.
Unique Keywords
URL | Keyword | Position | Volume |
Are You Running Ads?
Ads examples of the analyzed domain that are shown in paid results.
Domain Ads
Keyword | Position | Difficulty | Cost |
Domain History
Date | Ad Keywords | Volume |
TUE. AT 7:00 PM | ||
TUE. AT 6:00 PM | ||
TUE. AT 5:00 PM | ||
TUE. AT 4:30 PM |