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Domain Analysis Tool

Do you need help determining your digital marketing budget? Our advanced calculator will provide a breakdown of the best options for your business when it comes to a digital marketing campaign

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Dynamic Traffic


New Keywords


Dynamic Keywords




Ad Keywords


Dynamic Ads



Estimated Website Traffic

Organic Keywords

Preview of the report "Keywords" in SEO research: keywords; positions in SERP; keyword search volume per month according to Google Ads; CPC in $. More information can be found in the detailed report. Also in this table: all keywords - the number of organic keywords that an analyzed domain is ranking for in Google’s top-100 results; new - phrases that have either recently been added, or that were not in the top before, but are now; lost - those for which the site used to be ranked in the top, but isn't now; improved - those, for which the site has risen in positions since the previous monitoring; declined - those that fell in positions since the last monitoring.

Organic Keywords

Cost Per Click

Top Pages

Preview of the report "Keywords" in SEO research: keywords; positions in SERP; keyword search volume per month according to Google Ads; CPC in $. More information can be found in the detailed report. Also in this table: all keywords - the number of organic keywords that an analyzed domain is ranking for in Google’s top-100 results; new - phrases that have either recently been added, or that were not in the top before, but are now; lost - those for which the site used to be ranked in the top, but isn't now; improved - those, for which the site has risen in positions since the previous monitoring; declined - those that fell in positions since the last monitoring.

Top Pages

Organic Keywords
Potential Traffic
Facebook Shares

Top Domain URLs

Preview of the report "Keywords" in SEO research: keywords; positions in SERP; keyword search volume per month according to Google Ads; CPC in $. More information can be found in the detailed report. Also in this table: all keywords - the number of organic keywords that an analyzed domain is ranking for in Google’s top-100 results; new - phrases that have either recently been added, or that were not in the top before, but are now; lost - those for which the site used to be ranked in the top, but isn't now; improved - those, for which the site has risen in positions since the previous monitoring; declined - those that fell in positions since the last monitoring.

Top Domain Url's


Unique Keywords

Preview of the report "Keywords" in SEO research: keywords; positions in SERP; keyword search volume per month according to Google Ads; CPC in $. More information can be found in the detailed report. Also in this table: all keywords - the number of organic keywords that an analyzed domain is ranking for in Google’s top-100 results; new - phrases that have either recently been added, or that were not in the top before, but are now; lost - those for which the site used to be ranked in the top, but isn't now; improved - those, for which the site has risen in positions since the previous monitoring; declined - those that fell in positions since the last monitoring.

Unique Keywords


Are You Running Ads?

Ads examples of the analyzed domain that are shown in paid results.

Domain Ads


Domain History

Ad Keywords
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